Friday, October 3, 2008

if i had a gun, i'd shoot the sonuva bitch

so yesterday was another busy, full day. i was in the office working from 9:30 am -9:00 pm, registering voters, making phone calls to volunteers to get them out and canvassing this weekend, entering data, and assembling yard signs for our die hard volunteers.

we had one woman, dawn, come in because she heard that we had springsteen tickets for philly show/get out the vote rally this weekend. think he'll play "streets on philadelphia"?
the tix are priority seating for volunteers who put in at least four hours. so she sat right down and made over 125 phone calls to get her tickets. she's a union member and was laid off. she was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of bush that said "clusterfuck accomplished". pretty awesome.

i headed out in the early evening to do some voter registration. i knocked on doors on wyoming street and a lovely dominican woman answered the door. she said that her daughter, a student at penn state, was filling out a card for her. i told that i could fill one out instead and turn it in right away so that she was sure to be eligible to vote. she wanted to call her daughter and double-check with her. (so cute!) so she invited me in and i sat down on the couch. she was born in the d.r. but had been living in hazleton for over ten years. she also went upstairs to drag her son out of bed and downstairs to register. after clearing it with her daughter (she passed the phone to me too), i registered them both. i also stood outside the library for awhile and got a couple of people that way. all in all i registered seven people, most of them latinos in like two hours.

we cut out of the office a little before 9:00 to watch the debate at bottlenecks. i'm sure you saw for yourself, so i won't rehash it. then back to the office to pick up some stuff, and home to do more data entry. i wrapped up at 12:30 am and left dave and heather slaving away.

new day. here we go again.

as i was typing this, a phone banking volunteer said that she called a man in his nineties on the phone who said he was a big obama supporter and campaigning on his behalf in his highrise. he also said that if he ever ran into bush "if i had a gun, i'd shoot the sonuva bitch." still feisty to say the least.

1 comment:

Miz M said...

I love it! That 90 year old is inspiring. Your blog is terrific - I'm so proud of you!